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Grant Stern

Producer | Moderator
Grant Stern, Producer and Moderator Tour America With Lev

Grant Stern is an ardent defender of democracy whose prolific advocacy work has intersected with his equally-prolific career as a businessman, author, journalist, broadcaster, producer and leader of iconic pro-democracy media organizations such as Occupy Democrats, where he is Executive Editor. As a broadcaster he has been featured on major networks and programs including CNBC, Bloomberg TV, 60 Minutes, among others. He has contributed to the Miami Herald, had a 5-year column in Huffington Post, and conducted investigative journalism for The Stern Facts, DCReport.org, Alternet, and Raw Story. He also produces the all-new #LevRemembers podcast, which he co-hosts with Lev Parnas and joins Tour America with Lev as a producer and moderator of speaking events.

As Executive Editor of Occupy Democrats, he runs two national news websites, OccupyDemocrats.com and WashingtonPress.com. He is also an unpaid senior advisor to The Democratic Coalition and serves as a Board Director of Sunshine Agenda Inc., a government transparency and civil rights nonprofit.

As founder and principal broker of Morningside Mortgage Corp., Grant is an experienced professional mortgage broker. Having unique insight into the real estate market and extensive knowledge about the complexities of our current political landscape, social media, activism, and journalism, Grant is a frequently speaker at conferences and story source for local and national news outlets including Bloomberg TV, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and 60 Minutes. He was host of the popular Only In Miami Show, which aired weekly on Bloomberg Network’s Miami affiliate 880 The Biz and later on Jolt Radio. He is also Executive Producer of the political podcast Dworkin Report, and the all-new #LevRemembers podcast, which he co-hosts with Lev Parnas.

Grant’s investigative journalism is featured on a news website owned by Morningside called The Stern Facts and his personal newsletter on Substack. Grant has contributed op-eds in the Miami Herald, a regular column for HuffPost for five-years, and investigatory reports for DCReport.org, Alternet, and Raw Story. His first series of books, Meet the Candidates 2020, is distributed by Simon & Schuster with Skyhorse Publishing.